Friday, December 20, 2013

Countdown to departure

Summer Solstice and a Full Moon. Auspicious characteristics for the first blog of my latest adventure. The trip has been planned and paid for months ago and I've ignored India until now... (except for following of Rick Stein's India documentary on ABC recently) Suddenly I'm 3 sleeps from departure and haven't even dug the backpack out of the store room. I did make sure my vaccinations are up to date and had that pesky gall bladder removed. I suppose that indicates my unconscious mind is looking out for me, even if my conscious is still dealing with the everyday issues of making sure the business still exists when I return ;)

So, I'm off on my first big travel adventure with a travel partner, and as per usual, I don't do things by half. My travel partner is also my significant other, husband Murray. Having retired the solo life, it's time for me to learn the beauty of sharing my travel experiences. And I do look forward to being able to double the impact of the scenery, smells and tastes of this wide world by sharing them with another.

We leave on Christmas Eve morning. Bright and early 7am departure from Cairns International Airport. Via Brisbane and Hong Kong, we arrive in New Delhi India at midnight Christmas Eve. I fully expect to see Santa and his raindeers through the window of our jumbo jet flying across the sky with us. We will touch down back in Oz after just over 6 weeks exploring India and head straight back to our normal lives. Monday 10 February marks the start of our 2014 business year.

If you choose to follow my adventures this time, welcome aboard and thank you for choosing to travel with me :)

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