Thursday, December 26, 2013

Overwhelming but exciting

Got here! The noise, aromas and sheer volume of people is hard to explain. Delhi is home to 17million of India's billion residents. Life never stops. Christmas Day there were people everywhere... 7am same... midnight same same, only different. And when I say people everywhere - personal space is very small. We learned very quickly to get into the slip stream of the locals when crossing roads and dodge between the traffic. And there is a Women's Carriage on each train so we can choose not to get squashed - you only get caught once in with the men - and learn there are some advantages to being female :) Poor Murray has to cuddle 50,000 other blokes in the normal carriages where there is no space between passengers - the train platform staff just push more in and more in till it is a solid block of bodies (interesting note here - no BO, they might be poor but they don't smell)

It's 9.30pm Boxing Day night and I can hear dozens of different senarios outside our window. Horns honking; people talking, laughing, yelling; bicycle bells tinging; deep male voices punctuated by the odd young boy; motor bike engines, something heavy being dropped (twice); more honking - motor bikes, cars, trucks, bicycles; I can't understand the words of the voices but the intent is clear.

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