Tuesday, February 4, 2014

MTM Part 3

Temples everywhere. Monkey's everywhere. The monkeys love bananas, as do the temple elephants - who also like sugar cane. The locals bring these and coconuts to the temple with their flowers and leave them as offerings to the gods. Nothing goes to waste, with the monks accepting food as well as money to help Hindus on their way to Nirvana.

 Looking up at the 1000 steps we have to climb to the temple


The panoramic view once we climbed the steps :)

Murray breathes in love and breathes out peace once he reaches the top...

Langler Monkeys - note the LONG tails...

Main Hindu temple in Hampi still in use (circa 1300's) taken from the older temple complex (circa 600's). The city had around 500,000 residents in it's hay day as a strategic trading post on the spice route.

Temple elephant enjoys offerings of sugar cane and bananas. He much preferred the sugar cane and let the monkeys steal the bananas.

 Monkey business!!

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