Thursday, January 16, 2014

Best Bathroom in India so Far

Hot water, water pressure, shower roses and clean towels are not always possible... Hot water being the characteristic most important as I am ok with an Indian bucket/baler bath and carry a Tek towel from home for the dirty towel occurance.

Some of the group have not coped so well and complain at reception wanting bathrooms like home. They cannot understand that the people they are complaining to have no hot water at home, probably bath in the cold river water, or under a cold tap in the street; and thus don't understand the problem with a western shower rose not working when there is hot water and a perfectly good bucket and baler to get wet and clean with.

However in Jaipur we had HOT water, plenty of water pressure in the western shower rose, nice clean towels and the bathroom was nicely tiled and maintained. And, the hot water came out of the left tap too :) But... if you look closely above the shower rose you'll see the broken tiles where they've had to repair the plumbing...

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